Monday, May 07, 2007

Judgement Time - Taking a Stand

I woke up the other morning and just considered the passage in Matthew 7:1-5 for a detailed amount of time. It led to this blog (obviously) and to other idea's. Here is some of the idea's I thought about.

'Do not judge...' (7:1)

This passage follows a few 'do's' and 'don'ts' by Jesus and the idea of 'do unto others' - and this idea ties them all in beautifully. I think Jesus knew humanity very good and it shows in this passage. We should not 'judge' other people since we do not know all the circumstances surrounding their personal situation. We may be able to relate - but that doesn't mean we totally understand. But Jesus knew we would judge (since we are human after all) so it goes on.

'so that you will not be judged' (7:1)

This is the reason to not 'judge' - since we do not like being 'type-cast'. This ties in the idea of 'doing unto others as we would like done unto us' - which includes how we view another person. I am a Christian and I get judged to be certian things all the time - but it's always quite unfair to make those presumptions. So I try not to judge anyone so I don't get treated the same way - by the calls I make on your life - get made on mine - which is unfortunate and un-neccesary. Things can be avoided if we think through what we say about another person.

Verses 3-5 go on about the idea in more depth - and about looking at our own deficiencies and not the next persons (so as to find our justification or self-righteousness). I think as humans we have a whole host of ideas to deal with in our own lives and this is where 'judgment' needs to start and to stay. But if I am going to judge on something - I tend to take the person out of the situation - and measure on the basis of what the value is alone. I need to be careful to allow people the right to change - so I avoid the idea of judging the individual - since this can become quite condemnatory quite fast - and extremely hypocritical. I think it's hypocritical to judge when we are asked not to - simply said.

We have all been judged by people around us and it has effected the view we had of ourselves. I have had parents, teachers, friends, pastors, etc which helped to de-rail the values I held about myself (or they destroyed my esteem). I have found this to be very disturbing in my life and I had to go through years just to 'drop that baggage'. I think Jesus' teachings about judging is not an excuse for being judgmental (as I have heard over pulpits in the past) but a reason not to do it at all. Judgments can hurt people in case you haven't figured that out yet (and in some cases can help a person condemn themself). Let's be vigilant to love one another and less vigilant to rush to judgment.

**On a side note, I am doing something about this idea. I had a falling out with a pastor of mine (years ago) and we haven't seen 'eye to eye' since then - and he was a mentor of sorts to me. I realized I got to judgmental about the whole thing and I am going to write him a letter letting him know all the good things he did for me and my faith system. Call it my way of 'making things right' and letting another know that they are important - even if I took that for granted.


Anonymous said...

Nothing can suck the air out of a room like a hyper-judgemental Christian and I don't want to be one. We are human and desire to protect ourselves and I think that is what percipitates judgement in us but we can choose instead to meet the imperfection in aonther with love and forgiveness. I know that I deserve judgement but I desire mercy so mercy is what I purpose to give others.

An excellent topic.


SocietyVs said...

Thanks Pam, appreciate the insight you provided - that is also the point I am trying to raise by looking at these scriptures.

OneSmallStep said...

I also think another reason Jesus was saying the 'Don't judge, lest you be judged' is that I've found the traits we often most dislike in other people can be the same traits that we pretend not to have. It's like people can sometimes serve as 'mirrors' to help us eradicate elements of darkness within. It's an invitiation to step back and anaylze why the behavior of another bothers you, rather than just spouting off. Of course, easier said than done.

I also find that the traits that bother us most in other people are also the very traits we wished we had, and we can sometimes resent the other for having that trait. At which point, we can then step back and find our valuable traits, in terms of the goodness that God created in us.

Jim Jordan said...

Excellent post, society. Reconciling your differences with your mentor is likely to bear good fruits.

**I've found the traits we often most dislike in other people can be the same traits that we pretend not to have.**

This is very true. In fact, we've heard that opposites attract. People who clash are most likely to be similar in personality. opposites tend to tolerate each other more.

jim said...

"We have all been judged by people around us and it has effected the view we had of ourselves."

I can so relate to that! Good post. Critical topic!


SocietyVs said...

I sent the letter to my ex-pastor and he has not replied yet - but he will (I sent it by e-mail). I felt good doing it and letting him know I am forgiving all debts and putting all the bitternesses I had in the past (for good). I guess I felt the need to be a 'peacemaker' and to stop judging someone (holding something against them) against their will.

Steve Scott said...

Hey, Society,

Great post. The next few verses tell us how we will be judged if we judge in the first place. We will be judged by others according to our own methods of judgment. My own view of this is that it is not telling us not to judge at all, but to not do it in hypocrisy. Elsewhere Jesus tells us, "do not judge according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgments."

So I think we should be judging. But... I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you make it a point to not judge the individual, but rather the values and beliefs. James said that when we judge our brother, we judge the law itself.

Anonymous said...

Amen and amen! :)

Ambree C.